Posts by Mason Pashia
The Students Are Talking, It’s Time We Listen
Student voice is often requested, but only selectively. We must encourage, engage and include students far more than we already do in our education systems.
Connecting College to Communities: California’s New Service Agenda
The state of California has launched the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps program, a bold step in equipping young people with viable pathways to employment.
The Content Every High School Student Should Learn (But Doesn’t)
In many high schools, the traditional course sequence and graduation requirements remain stagnant. For future-ready students, we need to update these content areas..
Is Knowledge Power? What the AI Conversation is Missing
The age of AI begs the question: what skills and knowledge are uniquely human? With massive search engine capacity and AI tools to scan, reorganize, and create new ways of interpreting information, where should learners be focusing their time and attention? Mason and Nate from Getting Smart explores in their latest post.
The Time For Futures Is Now
Every decision we make shapes the reality for future generations. We must embrace not knowing, and prepare ourselves with new tools and mindsets that enable us to grapple with what could be and pay attention to signals that help predict and prepare for upcoming challenges.
Putting the Connect in Connecticut: Powerful Pathways to Employment from High School
CTECS is a robust state-run vocational education program that offers high-quality technical education and pathways to employment to high school students in Connecticut.
An Unexpected Pathway: How Life’s Design For Life Changed Mine
What if the purpose of school is and always has been to “create conditions conducive to life?”
A Purpose Proposal: Entrepreneurial Thinking and Sustainability Must Be Core Components of Pathways
The work-based learning pathways that incorporate apprenticeships and mentorship leading to family-sustaining wages should also include opportunities to develop entrepreneurial thinking and sustainability elements critical to a thriving and regenerative economic ecosystem.
Banking on Food Banks: Rural Alabama High School Hosts and Operates an Essential Community Food Bank
Rural regions in Alabama are among the most food insecure places in America. New partnerships between schools and food banks are one way to combat this challenge.
Rethinking School Infrastructure: Sustainability Saves
School infrastructure isn’t often the most attractive topic, but rethinking how we operate could provide numerous benefits that help us meet the triple bottom line - people, planet, and profits.