Glenbard Profile of an Educator
This Portrait of an Educator from Glenbard Township High Schools in Illinois emphasizes adaptability, diversity and empathy.
Unique Callout: Understands the Impact of Global Systems

KnowledgeWorks Educator Competencies
This 2020 edition of Educator Competencies created by KnowledgeWorks, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the Students at the Center initiative is designed to serve as a customizable tool to guide educator development. The intent is to enable a growing number of teachers to implement and scale up a transformation of their classrooms into places of personalized, student-centered learning.
Unique Callout: Need to Reflect

Lindsey Look Fors
The effort aligned the Portrait of a Student with a Portrait of an Educator Based on the research conducted by Columbia’s Center for Public Research and Leadership, as well as the practice-based experience of Lindsay Unified School District, Summit, and Transcend, the team identified six principles with 26 sets of indicators of what quality personalized learning looks like (see more research in Summaries of the Research and Co-construction Processes). The Look Fors resource defines ideal personalized learning classrooms through the six guiding Principles shown below: Rigor, Customization, Purposefulness, Relevance, Collaboration, and Community.
Unique Callout: Purposefulness

Reynoldsburg Portrait of an Educator
Reynoldsburg City Schools recently unveiled its Portrait of an Educator in alignment with its Portrait of a Graduate. These five competencies highlight not only what we look for in a highly qualified candidate, but it reflects work already being done throughout the District.
Unique Callout: Cultural Literacy

San Angelo Educator Profile
This profile was designed to respond to the question, “If we believe that the Learner Profile is what we want for the students of San Angelo ISD, then what kind of educators do we need to recruit, develop, and support?” These attributes encompass the qualities and characteristics we believe are important for all educators and support staff to exhibit in order to empower the learning needs of our future-ready learners.
Unique Callout: Inspire Those Around Them

Hillsboro Portrait of an Educator
Hillsboro ISD recognizes the the teacher in the classroom has the greatest impact on profound learning. The HISD Portrait of an Educator reflects the skills, attributes, and dispositions necessary to build meaningful learning relationships with students as well as with parents and colleagues.
Unique Callout: Intellectual Risk