Project-Based Learning
(PBL) is an instructional approach where traditional, direct classroom instruction and tests are replaced by authentic, often interdisciplinary projects, usually designed by the student with guidance from instructors/coaches, addressing real-world problems as the assessment instead of a test. It also is closely related to deeper learning, challenge-based learning, interest-based learning and more.
How to Co-Design Curriculum: Fostering Inclusivity through Shared Family Narratives
How Challenge Based Learning Helps Students Around the World Make a Difference on the Sustainable Development Goals
While there are many frameworks for hands-on, project-based learning, Digital Promise embraces Challenge Based Learning for its ability to empower students and teachers to be co-learners.
Project-Based Learning Programs Support Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Specialized Space
Project-based education takes a distinct approach to teaching and learning that encourages hands-on, interactive experiences. Forest Hills School District supports multiple project-based programs that are successfully utilizing a renovated space that was designed specifically for this type of curriculum.
From Designing Project-Based Learning to Designing Professional Development
Matthew Leader, a PBL-based school teacher, explains how he coaches other teachers to incorporate more projects into their own practices.
Santa Ynez Valley Union High: An Organic Project-Based Learning Journey
This chronicles one high school’s new and recent journey in an organic implementation of problem and project-based learning. Teachers and students are pushing forward with student voice and choice, civic engagement, student ownership and sharing high quality, public work.