Early Learning
Early learning or early education — this topic follows programs and stories relating to learning experiences before K-12 education.
Why Early Childhood Education Matters Now More than Ever
By: Tammy Kwan. As the world continues to change at an ever-faster rate, how can we best prepare the next generation to flourish in this new economy? Moreover, how can we do it equitably? Early education is key.
Early Learning as a Strategy for Achieving Equity
By: Rafael Otto. Far too many children are receiving an outdated education that will leave them behind in a competitive world and reinforce achievement and opportunity gaps. A focus on early learning could change that.
Four Ways Adults Can Support Child Literacy
By: Mitch Center. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, uncle, mentor or even an older sibling, you have the opportunity—and responsibility—to help the kids around you fall in love with books. Here's how.
Podcast | Outdoor Learning Leads to Curious Students
By: Linda Buchner. In this guest post/podcast, Emma Huvos shares a bit about her philosophy for concentrating on nature in early ed, which led her to build a unique preschool on her family’s 80-acre farm.
Four Classroom Strategies for Integrating Critical Thinking and Kinesthetic Learning
By: Sandra L. Love. Learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process, so engage students through movement. Here are four strategies for integrating critical thinking and kinesthetic learning in the classroom.
9 Children’s Books That Combine Storytelling with Math
Math is all around us, and stories are one way we attempt to understand the world. So here is a list of good books for children compiled by our friends at MIND Research that use story-telling to explore math concepts.
Why the Transition to Adulthood Should Start in Preschool
By: Dr. Genevra Walters. Conversations about college and careers need to start earlier rather than later, with educators thinking past the traditional style of teaching to truly prepare students for life outside school.
Learning (and Teaching) Leadership in the Early Grades
Mukilteo Elementary School in Washington State teaches students leadership skills by implementing FranklinCovey's The Leader In Me, a program designed to teach the '7 Habits of Successful People' to younger students.