MN High School Students Can Take Free College Classes

About half of the states allow high school students to enroll in college courses. Last week Minnesota joined the club with legislation powered by a ‘money follows the student’ provision. Students can take courses on the college campus or online. Following is a summary written by our friend Joe Nathan.
At a time when there is great concern about college costs, and despite intense controversy, yesterday Minnesota Governor Mark Daytona and key Republican and Democratic leaders agreed, on a bi-partisan basis to a historic expansion of Minnesota’s Pioneer Post-Secondary Options legislation. Many readers care about college costs, so I thought this might interest you.
Research published earlier in 2012 by the Center for School Change showed PSEO had considerable value to students and families. It has
* Increased communication and collaboration between high schools and colleges
* Encouraged many high schools to offer other forms of Dual Credit
* Been hugely popular with participating students, more than 90% of whom say they would do it again if they had to choose
* Increased the likelihood in some cases that students will not only enter but also graduate from some form of higher ed.
The attached picture shows Paj Ntaub, CSC’s outreach coordinator, speaking at a press conference that the Governor convened. He asked Paj Ntaub, a refugee to the US and a first generation high school and college graduate, to explain the value of Dual (HIgh School/College) Credit courses as part of the press conference. Ms. Lee herself took Dual Credit courses while in high school.
For more, see:
- Early College High School Initiative
- Davidson Institute Dual Enrollment Programs
- Early College Designs
- Launching Early College Districtwide: Pharr-San Juan-Alamo’s “College for All” Strategy
- Hidalgo Early College District Toolkit
- Designing STEM Pathways through Early College: Ohio’s Metro Early College High School

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