Comments on: COVID Could Worsen Summer Melt: How Some Colleges Are Responding Innovations in learning for equity. Sat, 27 Aug 2022 15:43:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nadia Rolle Sat, 27 Aug 2022 15:43:19 +0000 Great post! In the height of the pandemic, creativity, transformational change, collaboration, and ‘pivoting or perishing’ were the options of the day. Meeting students where they were and being aware of their needs (especially the freshmen) was also important to the retention of current students and keeping the interest of incoming students. Excellent article!

By: Alice Fri, 26 Jun 2020 07:15:42 +0000 Thans for the intresting overview1 I like the idea of campus apps, it’s really beneficial for all students, parents and school admins. Indeed, COVID-19 seemed to accelerate the adoption curve for schools in using online advertising techniques to increase their enrollment. A school enrollment expert Chuck Bankoff- Director of Web Services for Kreative Webworks, shares your opinion that now the parents’ primary concerns are the safety and continuity of their child’s education and social experiences. It should be taken into consideration when creating a school marketing strategy. I’ve also found some other predictions of coronavirus impact on the school enrollment, that can be a good addition to this post, you can take a look here

By: Tanvir Ahmed Mon, 15 Jun 2020 12:41:14 +0000 thanks for valuable post
