Staff Picks: EdTech, Blended Learning, Summer Learning

Karen Picks “Book Review: Born to Rise“
Karen says, “Deborah’s heart warming story of turning a painful life event into a chance to make a difference is powerful. She was relentless in her pursuit to open schools in tough neighborhoods for students that needed them most. She built schools of culture and pride and shares all about them in her first book. Definitely worth a read!”
Tom & Caroline Pick “Ed-Tech Innovators: Get Results Now by Leveraging Great Teachers”
Tom says, “We had great guest contributors this week including Byran & Emily Hassel’s summary of their work investigating strategies to leverage great teachers.”
Caroline says, “I truly appreciate Bryan and Emily’s post about great teachers. Teaching is a tough job, especially with the conditions at most schools. Technology can greatly benefit teachers when its designed and implemented with both student and teacher in mind. Its all about expanding the impact and reach.”
Carri Picks “An Inside View of Blended Learning at Rocketship Education”
Carri says, “A piece like this one is really helpful for readers that are past the point of needing convinced about the merits of blended learning and are ready to get down into the nuts and bolts of making the shift.”
Sarah Picks “5 Essential Questions About ePortfolios”
Sarah says, “This is another great post from our Smart Teacher Susan Lucille Davis who is always thinking ahead of the curve with tech in her classroom. I used to love making electronic portfolios in high school and college. They’re such a great resource for internships, jobs, etc. and way to track student progress.”
Allison Picks “Q&A: Reading Throughout the Summer Is Important & FUN”
Allison says, “I read constantly during the summer as a kid! That was my favorite thing to do! I think it’s great they put together this list for parents to help guide them with book choices to make reading enjoyable. Kids are more likely to read something they enjoy.”

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