Content that enables educators, edleaders, organizations and families to increase capacity, apply a growth mindset and implement what’s next in learning on behalf of those entrusted to them.
Why Didn’t Early College Catch Fire?
Ten years ago tomorrow Utah Gov Mike Leavitt and I sat down to breakfast with a small group of reporters to brief them on a plan for a network of six early college high schools. The briefing was cut short when the governor’s chief of staff whispered in his ear…
Good Work: Celebrating Second Mile People
Evil is laziness…love is the antithesis of laziness. -M. Scott Peck Labor Day is a reminder that all work has dignity and that all workers deserve dignity. Everyone in this country has the right to an education, to self-expression, and the freedom to contribute both to their personal well-being. More…
Good Work: Keeping the Dream Alive
Go see The Help, the movie based on the best selling book by Kathryn Stockett. Watching the film is a fitting way to to mark the anniversary of MLK’s 1963 I Have a Dream Speech.
Good Work: Night Climbing
Leadership is…establishing where a group of people should go, getting them lined up in that direction and committed to movement, and then energizing them to overcome the inevitable obstacles that they will encounter along the way.
Good Work: Sentiments of Consideration
Leadership requires empathy at scale and a broad perspective. Certainty is great for execution but the politics of public education are personal and that perspective-building dilog.
Good Work: Trustees For A Slice of America
My home town hides its poverty all too well. But a group of committed leader take ownership, and act like trustees.
Good Work: Committing to Place
I want to be with people who submerge in the task, who go into the fields to harvest and work in a row and pass the bags along, who stand in the line and haul in their places –March Piercy Early one July morning…
Good Work: Committing to Place
I appreciate teachers and administrators that make a long term commitment to making a place better, to watching kids and a community mature, and to being part of the fabric of a community.
AEI Discusses Limitations and Challenges for Change
Frederick M. Hess, Deborah Gist and other innovative leaders in education shared stories and anecdotes Wednesday around their experiences in state education departments working toward change.
Good Work: Confidence on a Mission
Leadership is immensely difficult on the practical level, but simple emotionally—you must care, and care so deeply that you are not willing to accept present conditions.