Education Technology is a multi-billion dollar sector of companies innovating in both software and hardware for teaching, learning, and running schools, districts, and state and federal education departments. We document some of the most essential technical innovations and companies that support learning, teaching and more.
Educators Leading Educators at TCEA
TCEA is a special space for educators to connect and build their networks. Rachelle Dené Poth shares why.
Why Teach Journalism When AI Writes Articles?
While there are fewer newspaper roles, job boards are full of journalism, communications, advocacy and marketing jobs where strong writing matters.
What Happens When AI Doesn’t Understand Students? An example for creative and equitable AI policy in education
Artificial Intelligence (AI) bias is a challenge for the broad adoption of AI-based solutions in the classroom. Speech recognition technologies offer a specific example of where we can start crafting specific policy and solutions for developing effective and equitable education technologies to support teachers and improve student outcomes.
Looking Behind the Screen: Critical Media Literacy Gives Us Tools to Understand How Media Shapes Our Perception of Others and the World
Critical Media Literacy seeks to equip people with the tools to be independent media users, free from oppression or restrictions by others.
12 Ideas to Try in 2023
The use of digital tools that help to connect students with real-world learning opportunities will expand global awareness and transform the learning experience.
Educators Field Guide to Preparing for Web3: 3 Steps You Can Take Today, to be Ready for Tomorrow
Though web3 is still in its infancy, there are trends emerging that can help guide us towards practices that can help us prepare young people for the next generation of the web.
The Need for More Formative Research in Edtech
While edtech products do demonstrate potential in aiding student learning, more weight needs to be given to formative education technology research that focuses on improving product features and implementation protocols, which are currently impeding student progress on many education technology solutions.
Education is about to radically change: AI for the masses
As AI continues to impact education, along with every other sector, innovative education leaders have an opportunity to build the foundation for the most personalized learning system we have ever seen.
Preparing for the Future of Education
As a Spanish and STEAM teacher, for years I did not bring emerging technologies like AI or AR/VR into my Spanish classroom because I thought "I’m just a Spanish teacher.” However, we all need to help our students understand these technologies and their potential impact on our personal lives and education today and for the future
How Data-Informed Instructional Coaching Programs Support Teachers and Improve Academic Outcomes
As schools and teachers work to help students get back on track academically, support for teachers is vital. Data-informed instructional coaching programs can help schools and districts in their academic recovery efforts.