Town Hall Recap: Building a Growth Mindset Culture

The Getting Smart team recently hosted our October 2022 Town Hall, this one focused on all things Growth Mindset and building a culture of yet. Led by Getting Smart team members Victoria Andrews and Shawnee Caruthers, this event highlighted self-talk, the power of yet, the importance of feedback and much more as we tried to lay the groundwork for building a positive culture in your school building.
How do we truly allow students and parents to step into their own space?
Shawnee Caruthers
An example of this in action is praising the effort over accomplishment. Child: “I got an A on this assignment”, Parent: “Wow, you must have put a lot of effort into that” rather than “Wow, you are so smart.”
Various member of the audience chimed in throughout the event to share experiences and insights with the group about implementing a growth mindset culture. Matt Piercy shared, “from time to time I call students “yetis.” Younger ages find it pretty funny.”
Terry Schmalz shared that “Our work on growth mindset really changed the way our learners approached their learning.”
Josh Reppun shared, “I love the idea that when we empower kids to tackle complex problems that cannot be solved in “just one go,” we support the development of a growth mindset. Complexity means you gotta be you as you work through whatever it is.”
Passion is about the individual but if we encourage young adults to think about a purpose level, the collective, then the growth mindset ties into what’s good for the world also.
Nate McClennen
The Getting Smart team is thrilled to work with a number of great organizations and partners on embedding growth mindset. To find out more about our speaking engagements, workshops and partnership opportunities – visit this page.

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