Town Hall Recap: Ed3
Key Points
Web3 is likely to be simply a term for something that will be an invisible architecture of the future internet. It will shape capabilities, practices and relationships.

On this Getting Smart Town Hall, we set out to cover the wild frontier of Web3 alongside some of our favorite thinkers on the intersection of Web3 and education: Vriti Saraf and Mike Peck. Vriti and Mike are co-founders of the ed3DAO, a first-of-its-kind Digital Autonomous Organization (DAO) focused on education.
We kicked off the town hall as usual, with a poem; however, this one was a little different. This time we co-authored the poem with some AI muses, thanks to a tool from Google. You can read the marvelous creation, crafted by both (wo)man and machine, below:
At one point in the town hall, we sourced one-line definitions of web3 from audience members and got the following, remarkable list: “Web3 is…”
- the decentralized future of recursive innovation.
- owning and controlling your data (i.e. in web2, Facebook and Twitter own and control your data)
- an open portal to greater equity and liberation.
- equal parts paradigm revolution and uphill battle; optimism and naïveté; unbound potential and cautionary tale.
- guiding the individual to their own fulfillment and enabling those to directly benefit, at least part of that along-the-way process.
- the door opener to youth empowerment for self-development and thriving.
- giving people ownership and agency over themselves and what they create
- empowering individuals to own their parts of the internet.
- a buzz term for the next, inevitable, evolution of the internet we all use every day.
- Immersive and intended to be democratic
- last chance to unite peoples around sustainability goals.
- a new iteration for ownership and development.
- fewer limits to learning engagements and better support for all sorts of teaching.
- a decentralized ecosystem that exists on the blockchain
- a way to take back some of the information of ourselves that we have been selling, plus, plus, plus
- the future of internet
- the internet with private decentralized digital property
- Access and Equity
- every node matters.
- we are ALL designers of our educational pathways
- ownership revolutionalized
- allowing higher levels and ownership and collaboration.
- Individual control of their experiences and information.
Imagine if anyone could learn from anyone else as part of a learning ecosystem.
Nate McClennen
One of the core takeaways from this event was that while Web3 will advance things at a technological level, this technology will also have impacts on reshaping the “ethos of the web”.
One of our attendees, Dagan Bernstein, shared that “The definition of ‘school’ will look very different. They will probably not be static buildings located in one physical location. Time and space will shift to reflect the capabilities of the technology.”
As always, the chat was the source of tons of activity during the event. You can view all the “dropped” links at the button below.

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