Town Hall Recap: Portrait of a Graduate in Practice

On the recent Getting Smart Town Hall, we were joined by NGLC to discuss their recent report focused on what comes after a school district adopts a Portrait of a Graduate. We also featured two of the educators highlighted in the report, not to mention countless others in our audience doing important work on the subject.
These districts have been hard at work on aligning to their Portrait and ensuring that it is a living, breathing document. They had great ideas for how to keep revisiting, revising and ensuring that it is relevant to all stakeholders.
“NGLC asked five school and district sites how they answered this essential question: How might we redesign teaching and learning to ensure all students have high-quality learning experiences that help them continuously develop the competencies in our Portrait of a Graduate? Their unique approaches to align teaching and learning to their vision of student success can be a catalyst to transform learning in schools and districts all across the U.S.”
We should all be wary of paths that look suspiciously straight.
Andrew Calkins

Our guests, Kristen Vogt, Knowledge Management Officer, NGLC; Brandy Howard, Chief Academic Officer, BCPS; Andi Kornowski, Charter Director of KM Global, KMSD; and Jeanine Collins, Chief Innovation Officer, ed.Xtraordinary all shared great reflections on the power of a PoG that has been truly designed with and by the community.
You can view the Kettle Moraine Graduate Profile to the left.
You can listen to two learners from other districts highlighted in the report reflecting on demonstrating and articulating PoG values here and here.

It’s about asking questions that invite us to challenge our assumptions to shift our paradigm to what school is.
Jeanine Collins

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